Shopping centres
Shopping centres are always alive with activity, and if a business has a store or an office nearby, they can be ideal places to pin up promotional posters. This way, if the poster catches a customer’s eye, they can check out the business straight away.
Similarly, shopping centres are full of a range of different people, so if a business has a wide audience, a poster in this public place, on a wall or near a bench, would be highly effective.
Take advantage of the traffic
Posters can be placed in areas where there is always going to be a lot of traffic. Provided permission is granted, posters can be placed on roadsides so those in the vehicles that go past might notice. These posters must be bold and straight to the point, so the customer doesn’t have to do too much work to understand the message.
Many businesses use posters placed in areas where there is a high amount of traffic to advertise events nearby. These can be pinned up a couple of weeks before the event and left so that the motorists going past see the message more than once, reinforcing it in their minds.
Notice boards
Posters aimed at the general public receive a lot of notice if pinned to notice boards in offices, receptions or in certain venues. They are effective if they are advertising something similar to the location the poster is in. For example, music venues tend to have multiple posters advertising future events of a similar nature.
Train stations
Again, provided permission has been gained, train stations are perfect locations to advertise to the general public. People tend to do a lot of waiting in train stations, meaning they have a lot of spare time to kill. Posters are perfect for these situations because a person may read one several times before they leave the location.
My own ideas
- Inside Shops
- Bus Stops
- On the side of buses (depending on poster dimensions)
- Inside taxis or trains
- Inside Music shops where the target audience already are
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