Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Photos of the Cast Members

  • He is in an Indie Rock band, therefore as my song fits into the genre of Indie Rock he suitable, as he has the knowledge.
  • He also has the experience of performing in front of people and working with music.
  • He also has the ability to play instruments and sing, therefore I could interpret this into the music video.
  • He is young and stylish and fits into the stereotype of someone that likes Indie Rock music, for example the long hair and fashion sense.
  • She is confident and outgoing, therefore she will have the ability to complete the music video without being hesitant.
  • She listens to Indie Rock music on a regular basis, therefore has some knowledge and context and is aware of what I am trying to achieve.
  • She has the appearance that fulfils the stereotype, therefore is definitely suitable, for example she has a different fashion sense and piercings.
They both have the physical appearance I am looking for, therefore there won't need to be any dramatic changes to their clothes or hair for example. They have a close relationship, therefore they will be able to work and film comfortably together, making the music video look more effective. The song is indie rock and I think the two cast members which I have chosen fulfil the stereotypes of people who would be associated with indie rock, therefore I think I have fit them into the genre well. Also, I have found one male and one female, therefore I will also be able to interpret the theme of love into the narrative more. They are both also young, therefore they can work well together, as most performers are young too.

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