Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Analysis of the Audience Feedback

Survey Monkey Analysis

Group interview/questioning
1.    Connie: What catches your attention within a music video?

Hollie: If there is some element of performance, such as the band playing music instruments, I like that because that’s what they do at concerts and gigs.
Hammy: I like it when there are lots of different places used in the video, because there is more to look at.
Jasmine: I like it if there is more than one person involved, otherwise it can get boring.

2.  Connie: Who is your favourite Alternative Rock Band?

Hollie: 5 Seconds of Summer
Hammy: 5 Seconds of Summer, too.
Jasmine: The 1975.

3.  Connie: Why did you choose those particular artists?

Hollie: They are good performers and can put on a good show.
Hammy: Their personalities shine through too, so if feels like you know them.
Jasmine: The music videos and songs that they have released have been emotional and touching.

4. Connie: What is your favourite music video of all time and why?

Hollie: My favourite music video is I Feel Like Dancin’ by All Time Low, it is such an effective video and I could watch it over and over.
Hammy: Chris Brown Turn Up The Music is mine, it has so many cool edits and different colours.

Jasmine: Rihanna Umbrella, there are so many effects and different edits, it is interesting to watch.

5.  Connie: What are you preferred editing techniques within a music video, (for example, slow motion, black and white effects, flashbacks)?

Hollie: I like it when the editing is really fast, then you get the feeling of being at a live gig or concert.
Hammy: I like it when it is black and white, before it looks better on the screen.
Jasmine: I like flashbacks, as it brings back memories for me and in the video.

6.    Connie: If you were to choose a narrative for a music video, briefly describe what would happen.

Hollie: It would probably just be about people having fun and having a good time.
Hammy: Yeah me too, like in a nightclub or something, looking at friendships and relationships.
Jasmine: Probably something to do with love, because they are always cute.

7. Connie: How many cast members would take part in your music video?

Hollie: A lot, it always looks more energetic and enjoyable when there is loads of people.
Hammy: Yeah I agree, but just focusing on a few people mainly, out of the crowd.
Jasmine: Just two, it is simple but I think it works well.

8.   Connie: What kind of clothing do you think it suitable for an Alternative Rock music video?

Hollie: Things like ripped jeans and converse shoes or boots look the best.
Hammy: I think black clothing would be suitable
Jasmine: A relaxed, casual look.

9.    Connie: What kind of setting and location would you expect to see in a music video that has the genre of Alternative Rock?

Hollie: A concert or a busy built up area.
Hammy: Indoors somewhere, like a nightclub filled with people.
Jasmine: Normal locations, such as the street or local places.

10. Connie: Do you think narratives involving love are more effective and memorable than any others?

Hollie: Sometimes, but sometimes they can go a bit overboard.
Hammy: I enjoy them, but when they are quite minimal and not too soppy.
Jasmine: I think most music videos with love in them work really well, especially when it is based on just two characters and their lives.

Results of my online poll so farFrom these results I can see that heart break and a love story are the popular elements of a narrative. These two themes can easily be interwoven within each other, therefore this would be an effective method. Also, 12% of the vote when to perspective of an ordinary person, it is also possible for this to be included within the main themes, as the person involved in the love story can be a normal person from an ordinary perpective. In terms of emotions, 50% of the vote went to the feeling of upset, which suggests that the audience like to sympathise with the particular characters within the music video, therefore this would be an effective and popular route to follow in terms of stimulating a response within the audience. Also, sympathy got 25%, upset and sympathy can be merged as one theme. Happiness gained a quarter of the vote, therefore it might be useful and effective to include some elements of happiness and sadness within the video, in order to provide some aspects of contrast, in terms of an emotional reaction. In terms of the colour during editing, half of the respondents so far agreed that just leaving colour on its own is effective enough, therefore this would be the dominant answer throughout. 25% said black and white would be effective, and the other 25% agreed that a mixture of both colour and black and white would be effective. Although, I think I am just going to stick with colour, therefore it provides some form of continuity throughout the video, instead of having black and white mixed in throughout, therefore the video will look more effective and the storyline will look better and will be easier to follow.

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