Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Development of Music Video

I have found different music videos through the duration of the production of the music video, therefore I could interpret these things as I continue to produce and develop my music video. I kept the cast members in mind when I was looking at these particular aspects, and decided if it would also look effective if I used them.
I viewed Lana Del Rey's Young and Beautiful music video, there was a few shots in the music video that I liked for mine. These were my favourite shots from the music video, I could include these towards the end as I have some similar within my storyboard towards the end. I like the fact that they are close up and you can see the female really close up and you can also see that her emotion is expressed really clearly and directly targets the audience. As my female cast member becomes richer and happier towards the end, this would fit in very well in that particular section.

Music Video Itself -

I also found similar shots in the Tom Odell Another Love music video, which are very similar to the Lana Del Rey music video but I still liked them, but from the male cast members perspective. Therefore, I could use both shots to show the relationship between the two cast members towards the end. I think the technique of using extreme close ups and close ups to express emotions as I feel like it really connects with the audience. These shots are also easily achievable and look really effective, and also fit in with the narrative and genre.

Music Video Itself -

Photos of the Cast Members

  • He is in an Indie Rock band, therefore as my song fits into the genre of Indie Rock he suitable, as he has the knowledge.
  • He also has the experience of performing in front of people and working with music.
  • He also has the ability to play instruments and sing, therefore I could interpret this into the music video.
  • He is young and stylish and fits into the stereotype of someone that likes Indie Rock music, for example the long hair and fashion sense.
  • She is confident and outgoing, therefore she will have the ability to complete the music video without being hesitant.
  • She listens to Indie Rock music on a regular basis, therefore has some knowledge and context and is aware of what I am trying to achieve.
  • She has the appearance that fulfils the stereotype, therefore is definitely suitable, for example she has a different fashion sense and piercings.
They both have the physical appearance I am looking for, therefore there won't need to be any dramatic changes to their clothes or hair for example. They have a close relationship, therefore they will be able to work and film comfortably together, making the music video look more effective. The song is indie rock and I think the two cast members which I have chosen fulfil the stereotypes of people who would be associated with indie rock, therefore I think I have fit them into the genre well. Also, I have found one male and one female, therefore I will also be able to interpret the theme of love into the narrative more. They are both also young, therefore they can work well together, as most performers are young too.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Draft of Music Video

This is the draft of my music video, that was the Media mock. I uploaded all of the shots that I had filmed so far and put them in order. I uploaded the song, then used different editing techniques such as slow motion and colour change to make it look better. There is a gap in filming, where there are shots that need to be filmed in the middle of the narrative. Therefore, this explains why there is shots of a higher established area at the end, and then a low established area at the beginning. It briefly introduces the narrative within the first minute of the music video.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Communication between Cast Members

As the beginning part of my filming was with the female cast member, I communicated with her the most. We communicated through the use of Facebook Messenger and Text Message. Within these messages we agreed on a location, timing and smaller details, such as if she should wear any make up beforehand. Also, I told her the outline of the narrative and what I was aiming for, therefore she had the ability to give her opinion or mention if she disagreed with anything or knew of any improvements that I could apply.


Thursday, 11 December 2014

Travel Arrangements and Weather Forecasts

I provided directions and possible forms on transport within this post, as well as the best possible routes that can be taken to arrive at the destinations that I want. I used Google Chrome and Google Maps to achieve this, I typed in the mode of transport I was taking and it told me specific important details such as the time period that it would take and which route was the most effective. It also provided me with directions which I can remember and follow, as well as precisely the distance to the location or setting. This allows me to plan further, as it gives me a good idea of when I should do the hair and make-up, prepare the equipment, and set off, etc.

I used the BBC website to find out particular weather forecasts for particular days. This is effective as it allows me to prepare aspects such as clothing and footwear, as well as other objects that may be needed such as umbrellas. Also, it allows me to decide if I want to film those particular shots in that particular weather and environment. As for example, in the beginning, the mood and scene of the music video is glum and upsetting, therefore I would not mind, as the producer of the music video, if it rained, as it would be a contributing factor to the video. It is also effective for me to look at weather at different points of the day, as it can dramatically change, therefore this also helps me plan ahead and to ensure that my travel arrangements, meetings and weather forecasting are all coherent to one another, otherwise there would be difficulties.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Analysis of the Audience Feedback

Survey Monkey Analysis

Group interview/questioning
1.    Connie: What catches your attention within a music video?

Hollie: If there is some element of performance, such as the band playing music instruments, I like that because that’s what they do at concerts and gigs.
Hammy: I like it when there are lots of different places used in the video, because there is more to look at.
Jasmine: I like it if there is more than one person involved, otherwise it can get boring.

2.  Connie: Who is your favourite Alternative Rock Band?

Hollie: 5 Seconds of Summer
Hammy: 5 Seconds of Summer, too.
Jasmine: The 1975.

3.  Connie: Why did you choose those particular artists?

Hollie: They are good performers and can put on a good show.
Hammy: Their personalities shine through too, so if feels like you know them.
Jasmine: The music videos and songs that they have released have been emotional and touching.

4. Connie: What is your favourite music video of all time and why?

Hollie: My favourite music video is I Feel Like Dancin’ by All Time Low, it is such an effective video and I could watch it over and over.
Hammy: Chris Brown Turn Up The Music is mine, it has so many cool edits and different colours.

Jasmine: Rihanna Umbrella, there are so many effects and different edits, it is interesting to watch.

5.  Connie: What are you preferred editing techniques within a music video, (for example, slow motion, black and white effects, flashbacks)?

Hollie: I like it when the editing is really fast, then you get the feeling of being at a live gig or concert.
Hammy: I like it when it is black and white, before it looks better on the screen.
Jasmine: I like flashbacks, as it brings back memories for me and in the video.

6.    Connie: If you were to choose a narrative for a music video, briefly describe what would happen.

Hollie: It would probably just be about people having fun and having a good time.
Hammy: Yeah me too, like in a nightclub or something, looking at friendships and relationships.
Jasmine: Probably something to do with love, because they are always cute.

7. Connie: How many cast members would take part in your music video?

Hollie: A lot, it always looks more energetic and enjoyable when there is loads of people.
Hammy: Yeah I agree, but just focusing on a few people mainly, out of the crowd.
Jasmine: Just two, it is simple but I think it works well.

8.   Connie: What kind of clothing do you think it suitable for an Alternative Rock music video?

Hollie: Things like ripped jeans and converse shoes or boots look the best.
Hammy: I think black clothing would be suitable
Jasmine: A relaxed, casual look.

9.    Connie: What kind of setting and location would you expect to see in a music video that has the genre of Alternative Rock?

Hollie: A concert or a busy built up area.
Hammy: Indoors somewhere, like a nightclub filled with people.
Jasmine: Normal locations, such as the street or local places.

10. Connie: Do you think narratives involving love are more effective and memorable than any others?

Hollie: Sometimes, but sometimes they can go a bit overboard.
Hammy: I enjoy them, but when they are quite minimal and not too soppy.
Jasmine: I think most music videos with love in them work really well, especially when it is based on just two characters and their lives.

Results of my online poll so farFrom these results I can see that heart break and a love story are the popular elements of a narrative. These two themes can easily be interwoven within each other, therefore this would be an effective method. Also, 12% of the vote when to perspective of an ordinary person, it is also possible for this to be included within the main themes, as the person involved in the love story can be a normal person from an ordinary perpective. In terms of emotions, 50% of the vote went to the feeling of upset, which suggests that the audience like to sympathise with the particular characters within the music video, therefore this would be an effective and popular route to follow in terms of stimulating a response within the audience. Also, sympathy got 25%, upset and sympathy can be merged as one theme. Happiness gained a quarter of the vote, therefore it might be useful and effective to include some elements of happiness and sadness within the video, in order to provide some aspects of contrast, in terms of an emotional reaction. In terms of the colour during editing, half of the respondents so far agreed that just leaving colour on its own is effective enough, therefore this would be the dominant answer throughout. 25% said black and white would be effective, and the other 25% agreed that a mixture of both colour and black and white would be effective. Although, I think I am just going to stick with colour, therefore it provides some form of continuity throughout the video, instead of having black and white mixed in throughout, therefore the video will look more effective and the storyline will look better and will be easier to follow.

Prop List

I have created a Prezi including a prop list of all the props that I am going to use throughout the production of the music video. Also, I have written the reasons behind them, how I am going to get them and the level of difficulty I will have finding them and travelling around with them when filming in different locations. I also included photographs, to create a better idea of what I am aiming for.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Filming Diary

3rd December 2014 - 4:30pm 7pm

Hull - Greenway Park 

Me and Rosie arrived at the destination of Greenway Park, this was the rough area that we found. It was nearby therefore the transport was easy and only took several minutes. I did Rosie's hair and make-up beforehand, therefore we produced a messy look, to produce the connotations of a tramp. We backcombed her hair and applied brown and black make -up to her cheeks and face to make it look dirty, as well as other make-up techniques. She also got changed into ripped jeans, scruffy boots and a large woolly coat that you would expect a homeless person to wear. 

The park is quite large, therefore we were able to film a  number of different locations instead of just sticking to the same one. We filmed near some large boulders, near a path, and also near a block, therefore we could have a brick background with graffiti on, to create the abandoned look. I got a number of different shots of quite a long length, consisting of close ups, long shots, mid shots, pans and zooms of my female cast member. I positioned her in a number of different ways, for example, lying down, walking and sitting down.
It was extremely dark at the time, but it worked in my favour as it contributed to the effect of it being spooky and my character being weak and unfortunate, as with my lighting, she was highlighted dominantly within the shots. Also, within my storyboard I planned to have some shots at night time, therefore I was able to do some filming of the sky, as the moon and the clouds looked really good and spooky. 

The only downfall of this experience was that the batteries in my camera went dead and my spare batteries were also drained, therefore this provided an obstacle in the way of filming. This was unfortunate, but by this point during the filming session, I had already filmed quite a lot of shots, therefore I am able to edit them effectively to fit in with the rest of the video. I could of filmed more if the camera was of a higher percentage, therefore I will have to learn from my mistake, when I go and film further in the near future.

Throughout this period, I also photographed the areas around, and highlighted the specific spots where I had been filming. I also took photographs of Rosie, to show her clothes, make-up and hair, in order to post these on my blog. 

These are just some of the shots that I filmed during this filming period that are on my storyboard: 



6th December 2014 - 1pm - 2pm

Manchester - Holiday Inn

At the weekend, I stayed in Manchester, therefore this was a good opportunity to get some shots of the inside of a hotel, as I had included shots within the location of a hotel in my storyboard. Although, my cast members were not present the shots could still be used effectively and will be beneficial for the video. I filmed several shots of the inside of the hotel, such as pans and zooms. I highlighted the hotel room, and filmed specific things such as the desk, window, bed, mirror, as all of these things were of high significance in my storyboard.

I ensured that I began filming just as we arrived at the hotel, therefore everything was still neat, tidy and presentable, therefore this was suitable for filming. Everything was white, and this is the exact look that I wanted to achieve. I also filmed small things, such as the hotel leaflets, as these things feature within the storyline and they are of a high importance.

This session of filming was easier, as no cast members were invovled, and I was just dealing with a location. Also, I did not have to worry about the weather forecasts, as it was an indoor location therefore this was not a substantial problem. I think it would be better to have the cast members involved within the shots, but it was difficult as in was in a location around 200 miles away. But, overall I am still pleased with the shots that I collected and that they were in the perfect location which I had previously imagined when planning the shots and the storyboard. I am glad I got the chance to film the contrast between the poor and unfortunate, then the rich and the fortunate, as this is what I wanted to achieve. Although, the shots are not directly after each other, I am still able to edit these ones, whilst I continue to film the shots that are in the middle. I also took photographs of the area around, therefore I am able to show these on my blog, to highlight the room and the hotel, to show more of the location.

These are the just some of the shots that I filmed during the time period of filming which are on my storyboard:


Health and Safety Grid

 I produced a health and safety grid, to highlight the hazards, who is at risk, the controls, severity and chance of injury and risk. I also thought about the control measures that I am going to take in relation to the possible risks and problems that may occur through filming.

In the case of an emergency I may need to bring the following things to filming:
  • Plasters 
  • Bandages
  • A charged phone to contact appropriate people
  • Always with 2 other people who can help out
  • Water

Friday, 5 December 2014

Video Techniques and Influences

I have selected several videos and screenshots of particular shots within videos which I like and feel inspired by, therefore I could try and re creates these ideas in my own way. I also looked at the mise-en-scene, editing and cinematography of a range of music videos, therefore I have more influences and it provides me with a better idea of what I would like to create when I begin filming. I will use these particular inspirations to help decide on particular shots, settings, effects and editing.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Make-up and Hairstyle Ideas

I have produced four storyboards for my hairstyle and make-up ideas, at different points within the music video as there are changes. Also, I have wrote explanations of why I am aiming for this particular outcomes. I have also focused on the female character because she is the one who is dominant and the one who holds the high level of importance in the music video, as she is the one who goes through the change and transformation.

I found a professional video on scruffy make-up, the women in the video speak about make-up used in films, therefore I could use this and interpret this into my music video, instead of in film form. I am aiming for this look, as they talk through creating realistic dirt. This would also be realistic, as I am aiming for the girl to look homeless, therefore it is forseeable that she would be dirty and not cleanly. 

I found this tutorial on Youtube that shows a range of messy hairstyles that I could use, then shows the steps of how to achieve the outcome of one particular one. I think this would look effective, as I am aiming for a homeless look, therefore it would be realistic if the female cast member's hair was messy and scruffy and it is also easily achievable and reasonable.

I have a Youtube tutorial to support this idea and help with the development of my make-up. I have chosen a "natural and glowing" tutorial, as this is the outcome that I would like to create at the end. This inspired me, and now I would like to use similar colours and techniques in my music video.

This also provides a tutorial of what I should do, I also have to keep the appearance of my female cast member in mind, therefore I think this would be suitable and look really nice when applied onto the female cast member in particular. 

I found a good hair tutorial similar to what I would like my model's hair to look like. I used Youtube to find these tutorials, therefore when I need to film particular shots for this scene, I can just easily watch the video and copy the steps to achieve the outcome. It is easily accessible as it is on my blog, therefore I can watch it again at any time.