Thursday, 9 October 2014

Narrative Theory

Narrative Theory
Tim O’Sullivan (1998)
He argues that all media texts tell us some kind of story. Though careful mediation à media texts offers us a way of telling stories about ourselves à not usually our own person stories, but the story of us as a culture or a set of cultures.
Narrative theory sets out to show that what we experience when we “read” a story is to understand a particular set of constructions, or conventions and that it is important to be aware of how these constructions are put together.

Kate Domaille (2001)
She states that every story ever told can fit into one of eight narratives.
Achilles – The fatal flaw that leads to the destruction of the previously flawless or almost flawless person, e.g. –Superman, Fatal Attraction.
Candide – The indomitable hero who cannot be put down. e.g Indiana Jones, James Bond and Rocky etc…
Cinderella – The dream comes true. E.g –Pretty Woman.
Circe – The case, the spider and the fly, the innocent and the victim, e.g – Smokey and the Bandit, Duel, The Terminator.
Faust – Selling your soul to the devil may bring riches but eventually your soul will belong to him, e.g. – Bedazzles, Wall Street.
Orpheus – The loss of something personal, the gift that is taken away, the tragedy of loss of journey, which follows the loss, e.g. The Sixth Sense, Love Story, Born on the 4th of July.
Romeo and Juliet – A love story, e.g. Titanic.
Tristan and Iseult – The love triangle, man loves woman, both/one are spoken for, or a 3rd party intervenes, e.g.- Casablanca.

One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest 1975 and Green Day Basket Case

The mental hospital featuring in both of these videos was a metaphor for America, the anti establishment ideology of the film, was used in Green Day Basket Case.
Themes in genreOthers may include themes which fit around the lyrics:
Horror films - people who break societies rules are punished
Fear of the Unknown - anything that is scary because it is different
Sex - Death - Werewolves and vampires representing sexuality and rape.
Breakdown society - Collapsing of rules
Duality of man - Conflict between mans civilized side and his savage, primal instincts
Segregation/ Alienation - Two opposing cultures and the struggle to survive.
Themes for more youthful audiences
  • Teen angst
  • Rebellion - Conformity V Non- Conformity
  • Romance
  • Sex
  • Nostalgia - the innocence of youth
  • Nihilism - the belief that there is no future
  • Coming of age rituals - (the prom, falling in love, losing your virginity)
  • Tribalism - Popularity V Unpopularity
  • Bullying
  • Juvenile delinquency - moral panic and the teenager as a folk devil
  • The currency of 'cool'
  • Living purely for pleasure
  • Friendship
  • War
  • Crime 
  • Poverty
  • Capitalism
Genres are not fixed --> They constantly change and evolve over time
David Buckingham 1993 argues that genre is not simply 'given' by culture, rather it is in a constant process of negotiation. 

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