Friday, 13 February 2015

Rough Initial Digipak Ideas


I drafted a few ideas for my digipak, therefore I had to opportunity to experiment digitally, with images and layouts. I also changed colour schemes and used a wide range of different photographs to see whether the outcome would be effective. I followed the template and dimensions when creating the drafts, therefore it was an accurate representation.

Draft 1

The negatives of this draft are that there is too much colour and the contrast is colours makes it displeasing to look at, as there is too much variety. Therefore, if i was to produce this one, then I would ensure that the colours matched and worked well together.

I think using a wide range of photographs looks effective, when I create my digipak the model on all of the photographs will be the same person, therefore it will look more effective. I added colour to the actual CD and DVD, this makes it look exciting and vibrant. Although, I think a plainer pattern or theme on the discs, would allow them to fit in with the digipak better.

I included both genders as my cast members are both male and female, therefore they will both be recognisable in the video. I like the close up shot of the girl on the front cover, as it suggests an element of intimacy and creates a connection between the audience and the girl involved within the narrative.

I also followed conventional aspects such as including the band name, song title, list of songs on the back cover, contact information, record company logo and any other companies involved. I will also have to include aspects such as a barcode.

Draft 2

I included the official logo of the song which I am using therefore it looks more accurate and proffesional. Also, I chose to allocate the colour scheme of black and white, I think it looks like a good design, although within my music video, there are no black and white effects, therefore this would show a lack of continuity.

I put images within the faces of the CD and DVD discs, I think this looks effective as it catches people's attention. I think the second DISC design works better, as it is simpler and more conventional is terms of what is placed on a disc within the music industry. 

I also included locations,  I think this is effective as it gives the audience an insight into the narrative and they are aware of what to expect. Also, I included the prop of a guitar on the back cover, to illustrate what genre of music the song was, this also indicates that the guitar features within the video. 

On the front cover, I attempted to include a contrast between two different girls, to illustrate two different aspects of life. As with the other digipak draft, I  followed conventional aspects such as including the band name, song title, list of songs on the back cover, contact information, record company logo and any other companies involved. I will also have to include aspects such as a barcode.

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