Audience Feedback and Analysis of existing videos
These slides are based on the discussions in class, and the opinions that people in the class shared about the particular music videos they had chosen. Then the successful and professional videos viewed and analysed as a class, followed by the analysis of videos that students had previously made.
Music Timeline
I created a music timeline of all of the videos that we had recently looked at in class. I focused on elements such as mise-en-scene, editing, sound and cinematography in order to analyse each one and highlight the changes and developments throughout time.
I recognized the significance of The Beatles during the time period when the music video idea was pioneered and created and how it was done.
Analysing five different music videos.
These are the five music videos I chose to focus on during this research stage. I also wrote a short summary with what I personally though were positive and negative elements of the videos.
1. Kings of Leon - Sex on Fire
Rock Genre
Within this video I liked the camera angles, including the close ups of his face to show the sweat dripping of his cheek. I also liked the fast editing as it fit with the genre of the music and the speed of the beat. It also contained the performance element as they are singing and using musical instruments. There is a storyline element too, and flashbacks are also shown to emphaisise this. This video has quite a scary theme throughout which I also thought was effective.
I think the storyline was quite difficult to follow, because the editing was of a quick speed and continous flashbacks. Therefore, it is not a simple video to understand.
2. The Vaccines - Teenage Icon
Alternative Genre
This video also has a sepia tone, and they are portayed as quite cool through their outfits and image. They play their music in the lift where no one else is aware of it, in a small confined space. In terms of cinematography there are a lot of good camera angles, with close ups of each individual band memeber to show their role. The editing also fits with the pace of the song therefore the sound fits in with the editing. As the video ends, the music slows down and the lift door opens, this fits with the ending of the song.
There is not a storyline, therefore not much happens, as the video is based purely on performance. Also, there are only 2 locations (inside and outside of the lift) therefore there isn't a wide range of mise-en-scene to look at.3. Rihanna - Umbrella
Pop Genre
There's a good use of costume, which is effective because the colour scheme remains black throughout the entire video, this makes her look sophiscated. In terms of editing, it is extremely developed and there is a wide range. She uses: water effects; silver paint; glitter falls down like rain; mirrors; and she uses an umbrella as a prop (all linking with the lyrics). Also, there lots of different locations and she performs differently in each one, showing diversion.
Rihanna also has featuring artists and backing dancers, although they only feature for a few seconds. Therefore, I didn't think there was much of a purpose and the video would have been just as successful with her on her own.
4. FAUL & Wad Ad vs Pnau - Changes
Pop Genre
The storyline of the video is simple and easy for the audience to follow. It is strong in terms of cinematography and mise-en-scene, as there are good camera angles and locations. Also, as the image of the video is quite rebellious, the editing is fast to keep up with the trouble and quick pace.
The artists did not feature in the video and there is also no lip-syncing. Also, there was a lot of children in the video, and I think there were to many people so it was difficult to establish any main characters in the storyline.
5. Imagine Dragons - Demons
Alternative Genre
It is a live performance, therefore it shows the band singing the song in front of a large audience. It was an emotional song, therefore it was slow. The dark lighting also showed that it was emotional and reminiscent. In terms of cinematography, there are good camera angles of the crowd and there are zooms and close ups of peoples face in the audience, then it terms of editing, it cuts to them at a difficult time in their life as a revelation (switching to the storyline aspect). I like it because if focuses on normal people, rather than all of the attention being on the artists themselves.
I think there are too many different storylines, it overcomplicates the idea slightly. I think it would be better to concrenate purely on one or two different storylines.
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