Saturday 29 November 2014


I uploaded this drawn and written aspects of my storyboard onto a Powerpoint Presentation, then followed this by uploading it onto Slideshare, therefore all the images can be viewed continuously after one another. I also wrote about the mise-en-scene, editing, sound and cinematography to accompany the images, in order to enhance the storyboard further. I also coloured them into to give an aspect of what it was look like, and what colours will probably feature within the video.

Friday 14 November 2014

Audience Theory

Uses and Gratifications Theory - Own Research
I researched the different reasons why people use the media. They split into the sections of information, personal identity, integration and social interaction and entertainment.
Personal examples of the above things:
For example, I watch the news to gain knowledge and so I am aware of what is going on in society and in the local area specifically.

Personal Identity
I watch TV programmes about students and 'freshers', as I can identify with these people and their character and behaviour, as they are of a similar age and I am in a similar situation to them, therefore I am intrigued and interested in their lives, as I can compare it to mine.
 Integration and Social Interaction
I watch programmes such as Gogglebox, as my whole family enjoy the show, therefore it is a basis for spending time together and connecting. Also, I watch shows such as I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, as I know that my friends watch it, therefore we are able to form a conversation about it at college the next day, to discuss what happened and our opinions on the events.

To escape or relax, I watch reality TV shows such as Real Housewives and Made in Chelsea, as I get enjoyment out of these, as they allow me look at rich and famous lifestyles, and allows me to imagine having that lifestyle. They are real life people and situations, therefore it is interesting to watch and find out 'the gossip'.

Uses and Gratifications Theory - Class Notes
My Sister's Keeper 

This clip was upsetting and personally made me feel appreciative of what I have got, as I am not going through that particular situation. Also, I feel sympathy for the characters as it is such as traumatic and sad time. People on a whole, may consume this film if they are going through a particular situation which is similar or if they are feeling similar emotions at the time, therefore they can relate with the feelings that the characters are feeling. Sometimes people like to be emotional and share sad emotions, therefore this is why this film may be consumed.

What Happens In Vegas

This film provokes feelings of happiness and humor, as it is a romantic comedy, therefore I enjoy hearing the jokes and seeing people's reactions. There is an element of fun and happiness throughout, which is entertaining to watch. Also, the situations are realistic and ones that I can relate too, therefore this is another reason why I liked this particular film. Generally, people may like this film, as everyone enjoys laughing and smiling and this film stimulates those emotions, also romance is involved, therefore people can relate to this and relate it to their own relationships and all the emotions and events that come with a relationship. Also, it is set in Vegas, many people have not been there, therefore there may be an element of curiosity as to what the location is like.

Hypodermic Needle Theory - Class Notes
I focused on the Hypodermic needle theory and all of its aspects. Although, the cons of the theory are:
  • Its very out of date and invalid
  • Not all people consume media in the same way
  • Not everyone watches the news/ consumes media in the same way
  • Audiences are not simply passive more up to date theories have proved this

Reception Theory Stuart Hall - Class Notes
I wrote about reception theory and the elements that are included. I explained the dominant/preferred readings, negotiated readings and the oppositional readings of the media. There are examples and photographs included to help explain the different meanings. I also included the different people who view the media, such as young people, women, men and elderly people and discussed how there views vary from one another.

Monday 10 November 2014

Representation Theory

Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze Theory - Own Research
I looked into different music genres to see if the theory could be applied throughout all of the different types of music videos. It was clear and apparent that Laura Mulvey's theory was evident throughout, as most of the topics of the songs were love, therefore this contributed to the representation of women in such a way.

Downfalls of Mulvey's Theory
Women are seen as sexual objects in the media and are therefore for voyeuristic pleasure. However, they may like to represent themselves in such ways and they feel powerful and desirable to both males and females. The media also portrays men in a sexual way and are now more sexualised for women to seek pleasure from. The media has influenced how women are represented in the media and it is no hard to change that perception, as it has been around for so long and it is solid.

Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze Theory - Class Notes
I included what we studied in class, the examples in the media currently and the analysis of these particular forms of media. I also wrote an introduction and a conclusion, to summarise what I had learnt. Film trailers and music videos which are currently popular, were looked at and the theory was highlighted in each one.

Richard Dyer's Star Theory - Own Research
I focused on Rihanna and Cheryl Cole in reference to Richard Dyer's Star Theory, I discussed Audience and Institution, Construction, Hegemony and Character and Personality in reference to these two artists, and identified the differences and similarities between the two whilst talking about their careers and lifestyles.

Richard Dyer's Star Theory - Class Notes
I presented the class notes, ensuring that I included aspects such as Audience and Institutions, Constructions, Hegemony and Character and Personality. I explained and summarized each one, and included the activities we completed in class, such as writing down our personal opinions on particular artists in reference to Richard Dyer's Star Theory.

Tessa Perkins - Class Notes
I presented the notes that I had taken in class using SlideShare, focusing on negativity, assumptions, minority and I explored the implications of stereotypes. I also included some examples of stereotypes that Becky found off Google, along with the stereotypes that come with that particular image.

Tessa Perkins - Own Research
I used Slideshare to present my own research. I selected a range of different artists who are different ages and work or have worked in different genres. Therefore, I could identify the difference between different genres and artists and what particular stereotypes go with this. The stereotypes were my particular opinion, on this basis of what I have seen in the media and how these particular people have been conveyed.

Friday 7 November 2014

Narrative Analysis

Lana Del Rey - Born to Die


A linear structure is used within the narrative structure of this video. This music video provides evidence of Kate Domaille's theory 2001, as she states that every story ever told can fit into one of eight narratives. The narrative that fits in with the idea of Romeo and Juliet, carrying out the conventional idea of a love story. Within this video Lana Del Ray and a male have an intimate relationship, it creates the idea of a relationship including arguing and there is also a death at the end, as there is in Romeo and Juliet and Titanic. The representation of the two characters within the narrative makes it a recognisable and conventional love story. Also, the theory of Tim O'Sullivan 1998 applies, as he argues that all media texts tell us some kind of story. Through careful meditation, media texts offers us a way of telling stories about ourselves. For example, in this music video, the ideology is in relation to finding "true love" and sticking with them until death, this is important in our society as generally it is what everyone wants. The idea that this video is conveying is that Lana Del Rey stayed with the character, despite the fact he was rebellious and not good for her, this shows she was going against the opinions of others and following her heart. As the theory suggests they are not usually our own personal stories, but the story of us as culture or set of cultures. Theory allows up to be aware of a particular set of conventions, such as this video where a male and a female fall in love, as this is stereotypical.

Todorov's theory is also relevant to this video, as he believes within a narrative, there is an equilibrium, a disruption occurs then the equilibrium returns, as the problem is restored. In this video, there is a happy theme to start with as the female and male are content with their relationship, this is shown through intimacy and them being together in various different places as the portray feelings of happiness through facial expressions, they fall out, as they are both alone and show signs of being upset and distraught, this stands as the disruption, then at the end they come back together again, repairing the damage of the disruption. The first shot of them hugging in front of the USA flag, is also used again at the end, to form the feeling of happiness and calmness that was existent at the beginning, this refers to the equilibrium being achieved again, in reference to Todorov's theory. Also, Levi Strauss states that we see the world, people and places by binary oppositions, his theory states that all narratives are arranged around the conflict between the opposites, the theory can be applied to this video as it is Men Vs Women, during the video there is some element of conflict as they fall out and merge back together at the end. Michael Shore's theory can also apply here, as he created the idea of all videos being recycled styles, most videos seem to include topics such as power, love and the idea of the 'ideal' life. These ideas are used repeatedly in forms of media, including this video, as all of the above concepts are applied in Lana Del Rey's music video. As they theme of love is strong throughout, the 'ideal life' is them being together, and power is existent within this relationship. These are all recognisable aspects that audiences have witnessed continuously throughout the production of all music videos.